We're excited to announce our very first Fierce Fit Foodie Feature!!!
FFF: Introduce Yourself!
V: Hello everyone! My name is Victoria, but you can call me Vic or Deli. I am so excited to be featured by Fierce.Fit.Foodie! I'm a country girl living in the DMV. I'm on a journey to expanding my creative space, and I hope that I can inspire you in some way.
FFF: How would you describe your sense of style?
V: Casual, but edgy chic
FFF: Discuss how you put together an outfit
V: I usually pick out one piece first like shoes or a top then work around that.
V: bags, shoes, dresses
FFF: What are your favorite places to shop?
V: H&M, Zara and Target
FFF: Are there any style trends or pieces you are excited to try?
V: I'm loving the fringe trend and I'm also excited to mix my new sneakers with a couple of dressy outfits. Sporty chic.
Hair Care
FFF: How would you describe your hair?
V: Diverse and versatile. It's very thick and curly with blonde highlights. I change my hair so much it's never the same style for too long.
FFF: What has been your biggest hair struggle? How did you overcome it?
V: My biggest hair struggle was the growth stage after the big chop. I hated doing my own hair so I really had to discipline myself to twist my hair, condition it, try different styles, etc. I was used to going to the salon so it was a big change for me. But I saved a lot of money lol. I tried new products, watched youtube videos, read natural hair blogs, and came up with own hair regimen.
FFF: Describe your styling/care routine
V: Lately I have been getting roller sets and wearing my hair straight but when I do wear my hair curly I normally do a wash and go or a twist out.
FFF: What is your go to hairstyle?
V: When I don't feel like doing my hair I'll put it in a bun or if im wearing it curly i'll just do a wash and go.
FFF: What are your hair goals?
V: Lately I've just been focused on length retention. So I get my hair trimmed every few months and I make sure I don't use too much heat.
FFF: What are your favorite products currently?
V: Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner and Carol's Daughter Monoi Oil
FFF: What is your beauty routine?
V: Most days I don't wear makeup to work. I like to give my skin a break. I usually only wear makeup when I go out. I put on blush, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick.
FFF: Who inspires your looks?
V: I get inspiration from everywhere. I really enjoy the Tiny Closet blog (www.thetinycloset.com), she wears minimal makeup and her skin is simply gorgeous. I love the natural look.
FFF: What item can't you live without?
V: I have to have lipstick! Yes I'm one of those girls that will wear lipstick to the grocery store. I think I get that from my Aunt Rosie. She won't let me take a picture of her until she "paints her lips." Every girl should have a tube of lipstick in her purse at all times. You never know who you might run into. ;)
FFF: What are your favorite products currently?
V: Too Faced Shadow Insurance Anti-Crease Eye Shadow Primer: My eyeliner usually smudges onto my eylid creases. This primer has really helped with that.
MAC Matte No Fax Pas Lipstick. As if I needed another matte Fuschia lipstick...but I just really love this color! And it is a great color for any season.
Biore Warming Anti-Blackhead Cleanser makes my skin feel so clean and refreshed.
FFF: How do you classify your food expertise? (chef, restauranteur, foodie, etc)
V: I'm a Foodie-wanna-be chef
FFF: What is your favorite thing to eat?
V: This is a hard question! I can't choose one thing. I love steak and seafood. My favorite soul food dishes are greens and mac and cheese. You have to try my mac and cheese. It's so good.
FFF: What is your favorite thing to make/create?
V: Sweet potato casserole and broiled lamb chops.
FFF: Who/what is your foodspiration?
V: Growing up I loved watching my mom bake and licking the bowl when she was finished. I hope that one day my cakes and pies turn out as good as hers. I don't do a lot of baking but my sweet potato pie is pretty good.
FFF: What is your guilty pleasure food?
V: I love to each chocolate ice cream with sour cream and potato chips. I get a mix of sweet and salty.
V: I admire my friends. They are all amazing! Enterpreneurs, writers, producers, managers...you name it. I admire their courage and resilience.
FFF: What tips do you have for the readers?
V: Be yourself! You are beautiful and unique. Don't be afraid to share who you are with the world.
FFF: How can the readers get in contact with you? (blogs, websites, social media)
V: gloriadean.blogspot.com
IG: @delicate22
twitter: @hawaiiansilky22
Interested in being featured? Click the "Wanna Be Featured?" button on our home page, complete the form and send it to fierceandfitfoodie@gmail.com!
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